What is Memory?

Memory is the process of taking in information from the world around us, processing it, storing it and later recalling that information. Human memory is often likened to that of a computer memory system or a filing cabinet.

Three ways to remember

The three primary forms of memory storage are sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory. Sensory memory is not consciously controlled; it allows individuals to retain impressions of sensory information after the original stimulus has ceased. There is also the working memory or the one that is immediate to any action.

Functions of the body of memory

Our memory has three primary functions: encoding, storing and retrieving information. Encoding is the act of getting data into our memory system through automatic or effortful processing.

What is primal memory? 

Primal memory is impressions stored deep within the unconscious mind (body of truth) buried under layers of fear and complex defence mechanisms that we can pass lifetimes unaware of. Early memories remain formative in creating our manifested reality and continue being until they are acknowledged and embraced.

The physical world reflects what we hold in our beliefs, shaped by our experiences, whose impressions are stored in our unconscious (spirit bodies) and subconscious mind. (soul bodies). Therefore, physical reality is created by the subconscious mind’s reactions to situations. These responses, produced by the subconscious mind, are expressed and felt in the body as conscious experience. 

Healing memories

Hurtful memories are tensions produced by the discrepancy of frequencies. For example, as a child, we may remember parents being aggressive. The assumption that they were like that because of “me” can create a resentful memory about them.- When you mature your perception, you may conclude that you were not responsible for their mental state. As an adult, we need to upgrade infantile memories (perceptions) into a clear understanding. With the ongoing harmonization, the concept of time changes, and the confidence that we are the creator of our reality get established.

In conclusion, it is not what did happen to you, but what you are doing with the experience and the memory. At the moment, we accept that what we experience is part of our design and that, as bad as it seems, it is a gift to our growth.