We facilitate Powerful Insights, profound teachings and Extraordinary Shamanic Ceremonies for inner alignment and freedom


 These meetings are striking times for the seeker, giving them space to experiment with their understanding of reality and benefit from new themes that complement their compassion and well-being.



Go to evolution- find an online intensive

Ten months to restore Male energy.

Start any time, take one or all

Upcoming Intensives 2024 and 2025


This program is a 10-month program.  Each month is part of a personal journey to correct our relation to the positive charge of creation.- The father archetype represents our position in front of rules, structure and male energy.

Throughout history, mystics and teachers have been tuning with divine rules to liberate the self from suffering. These teachings honour the Melkisedeck, the governor of the earth, which, in transmission, corrects the misunderstandings and manipulations of the original 10 commandments. In this series, we explore the true meaning of this guidance and place ourselves in a practice of awareness and compassion for a better humanity.

Discover the power of balanced male energy. When it’s out of balance, we may find ourselves being controlling and judgmental. However, when in harmony, we can enjoy the benefits of structure, direction, and inner rules. This workshop series is designed to help you achieve this balance within yourself and in relation to the female receptive energy.

Intensives are designed as monthly reinforcements of the teachings. Our meetings cover three components:

1.- Tuning with the theme of the month.

2.- Berdhanya gives teachings that take the month’s practices to another level of depth and understanding.

3.- Personal group exchange for examples and applications in our daily life.

4.- Ceremony of purification and energetic alignment.

5.- Meditation and blissful enjoyment.

6.- Homework.

In this format, the participant can extend the period of their concentration and enter into acceptance and inner empowerment.

May 25 2024 9 am

Introduction to the ten Divine commandment

Melkisedeck, the governor of Earth, has given humanity ten divine principles over time to navigate the structure of being and enlighten human existence. This intensive will initiate you in the ray of Melkisedeck and explore the role of principals as a voice of the spirit.

What are commandments? How are you given in your creation? Why do we resist authority? 

Via Zoom.- Details will be provided after registration.

June 22 2024 9 am to 12 pm

God and me

This intensive gives you a fresh perspective on our concepts of the father, male energy, and divine rules. It refreshes your use of male energy, position, and relation to your father.

Who is God, and what is my role in the divine matrix.?

Zoom meeting.

July 27 9 am to 12 pm

Dignity, Respect and honour.

This 3 hours intensive is a deep dive into the second divine rule of the sky. Participants will explore the seven types of abuse in life and express their intention to align with their true selves and practice forgiveness. We will delve into one of the most powerful divine rules of non-abuse: nonviolence, no despair and non-resistance to the truth. The workshop will blend teachings, processes, ceremonies, and self-reflection tasks to guide participants toward alignment and self-forgiveness.

The Zoom Meeting link is given after registration.

Agosto 24 9 am to 12

Consecration and expression

This intensive is about concentration, dedication, and exploring our sacred existence. It is about embodying our glory and love, rescuing inner dignity, and activating heart compassion in every action.

Zoom meeting.

September 28 9 am to 12 pm

This intensive clarifies the honnoring of the divine father and the divine mother. It is about the infinity in our matrix through the flow of the above and below.

Zoom Meeting.

October 26 9 am to 12 pm col time

Coherence and nonviolence

This intensive explores the concept of nonviolence and its impact on the conscience of all. It requests that harm be retained to others and to oneself.

Zoom Meeting

Nov. 23 9 am to 12 pm col time

Purity and action

This commandment directs us toward the right understanding of purity of action, intention, and word. We will explore how we sabotage this divine principle and foresee a pure life.

Zoom meeting.

Dec. 14 2024 9 am to 12 pm


Rightfulness and Justice

This month, we explore the concepts of integrity, justice, and equanimity in relation to unity, detachment, and right placement.

Zoom Meeting

January 25 2025 9 to 12 pm col time
February 22 2025 9 am to 12 pm

Sexuality Satisfaction and Sacred Body

We explore the role of satisfaction, sacred body, sex and holiness.

March 22 2025 9 am to 12 pm

Existing, existence and responsibility

This is a beautiful and powerful commandment to expand to existence and allow the glory of the divine to act through you.

Go deeper into the teachings


Intensives are from 9 am to 12 pm Colombian time.

Cost for each intensive: US 165.00

Make payment here

Working with Berdhanya in intensives is a rare and remarkable opportunity for spiritual development, and I feel very blessed to be part of this movement each month. As a guide, Berdhanya brings incredible depth, precision, openness and majesty to each topic that we explore. I always feel the effects of these intensives about a week before the class begins, as the invisible forces start shaping challenges and opportunities for me to understand my reality in a new way. It is so beautiful and awe-inspiring to learn to navigate reality in this way, where a change in consciousness and self-perception immediately ripples into the creation of a new reality. I am also thankful to be surrounded by such a committed group of souls each month, where I can learn from others who also united under the common goals of self-liberation, self-mastery and self-realization. Thank you to both Berdhanya and Matthew for your guidance and inspiration in these times. I truly feel we are part of the same unit, and am enjoying every moment. BRIYA