For the last 20 years, we have offered uninterrupted weekly meditation classes. These one-hour meditation classes online provide tools and teachings for all walks of life.
In 2024, our meditation program offer alignments and training to the nine different types of mind. It explores four modules: concentration, Divine will Mind anatomy and the voice of emptiness.

Council of Earth is a program that invites individuals to learn the anatomy, physiology, and evolutionary steps of their land in macro and micro ways. Participants are invited to explore different sites of earth, either in journeys retreats or in virtual meetings.  Suppose you resonate with energy’s power as a fundamental building blog of reality and wish to contribute to the planet’s consciousness increment. In that case, this program is for you.

Activate Your Self-Realization with Practical Awakening

Berdhanya’s basic

Self-Cultivation Course

Learn details and register

 These monthly one-day meetings are a close-up of the seeker’s energetic structure. We work with the oracle’s vision and give insights into where you are in the evolution of your perception. In addition, it offers direct and personal guidance to the participants.

Evolution is a school that reflects the teachings of mystic and spiritual teacher Berdhanya Swami Tierra. Our goal is to create a movement of self-education that responds to the need in society for a platform where human expression is based on the individual’s own passion, freedom and real purpose.

Berdhanya is the author of 14 books in 3 languages.
Her books support the seeker with a recompilation of her lectures, articles and sutras. Each book is truly a mystic gem that anyone interested in self-realization will surely enjoy.

La communidad hispanoamerica esta apoyada con programas semanales, retiros y servicio communitario.

Teacher Training in 2024

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Coming up retreats


Shiva Swarodaya and Breathontology Therapy

Train as a breathontologist Shiva Swarodaya is an ancient Sanskrit tantric text. A comment and translation termed Satyananda Saraswati made Swara yoga in 1983. It is also termed "Phonetical astrology": the "sound of one's own breath" and is written as a conversation...


An assumption is the result of incomplete or distorted information. They can also be caused by a lack of inquiry about the facts that lead to having an idea that does not correspond with the factual truth of a circumstance or of the self. Any mental assumption feeds...

The Power of Connectivity

  Connecting with others is a sense of being open and available to another person, even as you feel that person is open and available to you. Other ingredients of human connection are empathy and compassion, where we feel goodwill towards the person we are connecting...


the 5 Pitta sub-doshas and how to balance them

Now that I live in hot weather, I have my eye on the dynamic of Pitta and how to balance this fiery dosha. Having those decadent milk showers and getting near my hibiscus tea makes my life much easier and cooler.  There is no comparison in the care for pitta dosha; it...

Karna Purna: Three reasons I put medicated oil in my ears

The ear is the organ of sound and equilibrium with the function of the transmission and transduction or the conversion of sound waves into electrochemical impulses to the brain. It also maintains equilibrium or the sense of balance (middle ear). This is done through...

Shiva Swarodaya and Breathontology Therapy

Train as a breathontologist Shiva Swarodaya is an ancient Sanskrit tantric text. A comment and translation termed Satyananda Saraswati made Swara yoga in 1983. It is also termed "Phonetical astrology": the "sound of one's own breath" and is written as a conversation...

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