The Buddhist notion of non-attachment relates to an engagement with experience with flexibility and without fixation on achieving specified outcomes.

The law of detachment indicates that we must renounce our attachment to things, which does not mean that we abandon our goals: “We do not renounce the intention but rather the interest in the result.”

I want to use the Chinese term for detachment, “wú niàn” (無念), which literally means “no thought.” However, this does not signify the literal absence of thought but rather the state of being “unstained” (bù rán 不染) by thought.

It is essential to enter into the paradoxical thinking where you can still have anything you want, but you are not adding extra value to an object or relationship. Excess of value ( good or bad) produces the grasping of attachment followed by identification ( If I don’t have this, I am not complete, I will suffer).

We are permanently attached:

The whole universe is a matrix attached by equalizing frequencies of different values. Our atomic entanglement resonates with the internal frequency of the individual and the vibration of his power of manifestation.

By raising our frequency, we can synchronize with more desirable potentials.

We are constantly flowing:

At the level of our light and resonance of matter, we are a fluid of life, consciousness and love. The current is intelligent and alive and directs the energetic system to a place of constant and instantaneous homeostasis.

How do you practice detachment or raise my energy?

Your awareness of your daily mental choices and behaviours will sustain the process of detachment. Here are a few things you can choose to support your re-programing:

1.- Accept others as they are. Remember that you can’t control others (really).

2.- Opposites Values are complementary.

3.- All is happening in the now.- Find your own contentment.

4.- Don’t be the ping pong ball of others’ opinions.

5.- Don’t see intentions in others’ mistakes.- Don’t react — respond instead.

6.- Do your 100%

7.- Stop looking for happiness in external things.

8.- Let go of the “shoulds” and “musts.”

9.-Practice allowing.

10.-Make friends with uncertainty.

11. Learn to observe/witness your thoughts and feelings without needing fixing.

12.- See how transient all things are.

On the other hand, the daily commitment to a practice reframe the holders of the frequency ( chakra) and releases stagnant energy in the system.

Indifference versus detachment

Emotional detachment is a psychological condition in which a person cannot fully engage with their feelings or the feelings of others. It can be ongoing, as it is in people with attachment disorders or a temporary response to an extreme situation.

Objectives of detachment.

Detachment is a necessary practice in the life of any seeker because it allows the source to unify with its part ( soul) and with its expression.

( matter)- The source can play and see itself.