Embodiment and Decasting


Human existence is a transitory state in evolutionary consciousness

The cosmic definition of human-ness is the presence of the dynamic of personal will with the magnetic pull of emptiness. Like an empty cassette tape, we are able to record the resonance of any type of existence, allowing life to learn and evolve through our experiences.

Man is a species in transition. Human existence offers us different learning opportunities through the embodiment of different frequencies. We can embody a woman, a man, an ignorant person, an ego, different personalities, and different preferences or lifestyles. We can adopt a way of thinking based on that of our culture, our family upbringing or our society.


In this type of embodiment, the self finds comfort, equality and standardization. However, to be bound only to this type of embodiment brings limitation, discontentment and a sense of non-expansion.


In the process of spiritual evolution, the human form can embody higher and more subtle energies, representing possible steps for human evolution on earth.



The embodiment of qualities such as love, compassion, healing, forgiveness, emptiness, stillness and bravery serve human existence as a vessel of maturity and expansion for the human being.


The embodiment of frequencies such as fear, shame, guilt and self-judgment create a certain pressure which offers humans the possibility of moving forward in realizing the falsity of these ego-constructed frequencies.


All frequencies have a role to play in evolution. All frequencies can be embodied by choice, awareness and grace.


Frequencies are like musical notes, allowing the cosmic concert to be played in the human body. We can, however, choose the frequency that we want to we partner up with.


We also need to realize that each frequency is a transitory state of evolution. Each frequency needs to be lived, let go and replaced by a higher one.

This process of replacing a lower frequency with the higher requires that we totally disengage from what we have embodied: this is decasting a frequency.

For example: At one point in my life, I was a full-time mother. As the children grew older, life requested that I let go of that particularly nourishing frequency and move to another level. I choose to move to an impersonal nourishment, where I serve others by supplying knowledge and guidance.

The embodiment of the frequency of the parent requested that I upgrade, expand and experience its full potentiality: the enfoldment of the divine mother.

The fluidity of embodiment and decasting is the key to happiness. The flexibility in our system to recognize the proper time and what the frequency is requesting from us is a must to keep life alive.


Embodiment and decasting are spiritual dynamics of the human existence to learn and to grow.


To hold on to our embodiments is against human existence. We are here to explore in flesh the diversity of the whole.


We are constructed to play it, to let it go and to transfer our wisdom through the mystic self.


Human existence is not a permanent race. It’s like a transit at the airport, from which you can take the flight you wish to arrive at a place where you are best able to contribute and serve.