You may be an artist, a politician or an engineer, you may be tall or short,big or small, white or black, young or older; regardless of your outer qualities and appearances you remain a living heritage of the divine legacy. You are the carrier of life, power and beauty. You are the living testimony of love, compassion and devotion.

You may have underestimated these feminine basic qualities and had deluded them in your daily multifaceted tasking. You may have maximized them or you may be at the fence observing and not activating them to their full potential. Regardless of your position you have in your hands the potential of natures life.

This may sound pretentious, or just being seeing only as concrete as having a child. It is however of a larger impact. Your thoughts, your intentions, your projections your speech carry the seed of manifestation of matter. This may be taken as a large responsibility, and yes, it is a large response-ability when we look around and find misery, poverty and injustice. You may have you feet in the ground and not fully realize that each step is an opportunity to locate yourself in the fountain of beauty, grace and power.  I am referring here as beauty of your ability to remain absolutely un-judgmental no matter your living experiences and your personal choices in life. Beauty is synonym of purity where you remain uncorrupted from your mind expectations, self-doubts and insecurities. Your purity makes you fertile. Not only physically but you can be infused by the clear nectar of the divine grace. You become a living creation and a living creator. You have the energy, the basic energy to form creation, to form existence. That is power!

Power is not the social interpretation of having more, say all you think or do all you can. Power is the simple resonance of life within you, is the acknowledgment and embodiment of the subtle vibration that is all knowing, all pervaded, all pleasure and all essence. You power is pure; you beauty powerful, your grace liberates you and other from the narrow views and opens the pure consciousness into a daily learning ability. We had being deluded with concepts of beauty, power and grace. It had being convenient for social manipulation and personal ego satisfaction to distort these basic components of the feminine

May this day serve you and inspire you to open your inner and private world to be receptive, to explore and to project the very core of your nature. May you in this day return to your virtues of self-devotion, justice and loyalty of being the most enchanted creature in this planet?

About the Author and Spiritual Teacher

Berdhanya supports inner awakening and personal freedom through meditation, mystical teachings, self-inquiry and contemplation. Her teachings offer a self-cultivation, easy to follow program to reclaim your spiritual awakening. Contact Berdhanya today!