5 Reasons why shirodhara is the treatment for the brain

5 Reasons why shirodhara is the treatment for the brain

Ayurvedic bodywork is an ancient and powerful tool for bringing body, mind, and soul into harmonious balance. While traditional Swedish massage works primarily on the physical level, Ayurvedic bodywork address multiple layers of your being. From exfoliating dead skin...
Balanced winter with Ayurveda

Balanced winter with Ayurveda

When winter is at your window, it is time to remember a few ayurvedic tips that will allow your energy to enjoy a balanced and energetic few months. Winter is a Vatta season, meaning your air element will increase causing dryness, cold and ungrounding internal...
Blissful traveling with Ayurveda

Blissful traveling with Ayurveda

When you’re excited to spend a day in an exotic city across the ocean, it’s easy to forget the 6 or 7 hours that you’ll need to spend compressed in an airplane, sharing your breath with 150 other humans and eating microwaved airplane food. At times, we may feel...
Ayurvedic tips for a balanced summer

Ayurvedic tips for a balanced summer

According to ayurveda, the qualities of summer are hot, sharp, and penetrating. That’s why our pitta dosha—the subtle energy that controls metabolism and can cause us to overheat—tends to flare up when the temperatures rise. Pitta-related imbalances include sunburn,...
How to Heal Dry and Wet Cough According to Ayurveda

How to Heal Dry and Wet Cough According to Ayurveda

Winter can be difficult for the respiratory system. The change of temperature, the lack of fresh air or to cold can produce cough. Identifying the quality of a cough is a very important first step in the Ayurvedic approach to returning to balance. In the simplest...
Ayurvedic Diet for Winter

Ayurvedic Diet for Winter

Winter is actually the season when the digestive fire is strongest. The body requires more fuel to stay warm and healthy in the winter months, and the cold weather forces the fire principle deep into the core of the body—igniting the digestive capacity. Our bodies...