Thoughts, Thinking and Intellect

A clear perception can distinguish a certain order within the dynamics of the mind, emotions, and physical body. The mind has thoughts, the emotional body has emotions, and the physical body has sensations.
In a state of clear perception one realizes that the mind is an organ in charge of creating thoughts, as the stomach is in charge of creating acidic fluids. It is natural for the mind to create thoughts. I call ‘natural thoughts’ those that appear from the void as a bubble of air emerges from the depth of the sea. Natural thoughts do not disturb you, since they appear as revelations or inspiration to your enfoldment. Natural thoughts come and go almost instantaneously, leaving no trace in the mind.
However, ‘thinking’ is of a different caliber. Thinking is when the natural thoughts get trapped in a repetitive loop. The creation of a repetitive loop is constructed by attachments and expectations. If you allow a natural thought to entertain you through fear or guilt then you are creating a thinking process. Thinking moves you away from the possibility of having genuine thoughts, and obstructs the natural flow of the mind to serve your self-understanding.
Thinking slowly makes the mind rigid. It accelerates the aging of the mind by the repetition of ideas, worries, or expectations.
For the thinking process to occur you need “The Attacher,” the one that gives value to the natural thoughts. For example, the natural thought arises, “take a walk.” If The Attacher completes that idea with “it is good for you to walk” or “if you don’t walk, your health will decline” then the thought is given a value. That value, or importance, attached to the natural thought will create a concept—a belief system. The belief system is your thinking process. In our example, the natural thought may have originally had a completely different agenda by suggesting a walk. It may be simply orchestrating a meeting with somebody, or giving you a rest. That unseen agenda to the mind is the ‘intellect.’
The intellect is life wisdom in its pure form. Its foundation is paradoxical and beyond the comprehension of the thinking process. It is the part of us that knows without knowing. It is the part that puts us in the right place and in the right time. It is the part that includes all. It is the part that takes care of our most single need. It is the part that plays in the background as universal synchronicity.
In the state of clear perception we are ruled by the intellect. We obey natural thoughts, and we yield to the flow of real intelligence without thinking. Clear perception has no outlines, delineations, or a personal story. Clear perception knows the difference between natural thought, thinking, and intellect.
Once that dynamic is understood and applied to the self, peace is regained, order is at place, and the glory of the self emerges—serving and realized.