“The nose is the door to consciousness and the pathway to our inner pharmacy.”- Dr. Vasad Lad.

I can not imagine meditating without preparing the nostrils to breathe smoothly, remove mucus accumulation in the sinus, and lubricate the third eye. With a daily anointing of Nasya oil, you’ll experience many benefits for your mind, body, and soul. Best of all, it’s so simple, and it takes less than five minutes every day.


What is Nasya?

Nasya is an ayurvedic practise of lubricating nasal passages with unique herbalized formulas like medicated oils, herbal juices or powder. Nasya is practiced in different degrees of purification as well as a daily preventive medicine.


Why apply Nasya?

Nasya has so many benefits at all levels of our being. It is preventive medicine and a powerful tool to have in your daily routine. The practice of Nasya can correct common illnesses and empower your mental capacities.


Any medication that is administered through the nasal passages will affect the mind. In the case of Nasya, that’s exactly what we want for deep meditation. The herb-infused oil will quickly reach your brain to promote concentration, mental clarity and a sharper memory. You’ll even feel that you perceive the world around you more clearly – both consciously and physically, as Nasya oil also supports the clear vision.

Preventative medicine

Since Nasya oil application is a daily practice, it’s benefiting our health always, in many different ways. Lubricating your nose helps protect you from the pollen, pollutants, and toxins that live in your environment and can slide through dry pathways inside your nose. Nasya oil can be used to prevent and treat allergies. It can also fend off headaches, earaches, sore throats, and other sinus-related symptoms. 

Better breathing

The flow of Prana relies on regular, grounded breathing patterns and clear nasal passageways. All the vital organs, tissues, and cells are being nourished directly through the bloodstream when all these align. Nasya oil relieves mucous and congestion, clears stagnation and improves breathing for enhanced cerebral circulation, longevity, and vitality. It can even provide much-needed soothing for your vocal cords.

Stress relief

When your Prana is cleared through your breath, you’ll experience stress and tension melt away in your neck, jaw, head, and shoulders. Any energy that has been blocked will be released, and energy won’t stagnate in these areas. Mental and emotional stress and anxious thoughts contribute to fading health and many unnecessary afflictions. Nasya oil can help balance these energies, so you feel energized and revitalized all day long.


Other Indications to apply Nasya

Tinnitus.Stiffness or pain of head, neck, or jaw 

Headache and Migraine 

Sinus pain and congestion 

Toothache, loose teeth, receding gums 

Hoarseness of voice 

Twitching or drooping eyelids 

Tingling sensations on the face 

Obstruction in throat 

Uvulitis, Tonsillitis, Laryngitis, Pharyngitis 

Speech disorders and loss of speech 

Bell’s Palsy (facial paralysis) 



Pituitary or space-occupying tumour 


Depleted sexual energy 

Any disorders above the clavicle area 


When not to apply Nasya?

Children (under 7) 

Old age (over 80) 



Just before or after shower/bath 

Indigestion or full stomach 


Hunger or Hypoglycaemia 

Thirst or Dehydration 



Physical exercise 

Acute fever 


Just having done purgation or basti 

Same time as neti pot nasal cleansing 


Five types of Nasya


Ayurveda Nasya formulas are carefully selected accordingly to the dosha in disbalance and the condition of the person. Ayurveda mentions 5 types of nasya. Let’s examine them.

1) Virechana (cleansing) Nasya: dry powers or herbs are blown into the nose. Commonly used substances include vacha (calamus), Brahmi (Gotu kola), and jatamamsi. You can use Anu thalia for cleansing purposes.

Virechana is suggested in these conditions:

Kapha disorders 

Headache or heaviness in the head 


Sticky eyes 

Runny nose, sinusitis, chronic rhinitis 

Hoarseness of the voice due to Kapha 

Cervical lymph congestion 

Attachment, greed, or lust 


Bacterial infections 


Skin diseases 





Same day as rakta moksha therapy 

One month post-partum 



Facial paralysis 


2) Bruhana (nutritive) Nasya: perfect for Vata dosha. Strengthening and tonifying substances are administered through the nose. Commonly used substances are ghee, salt, Shatavari ghee, ashwagandha ghee, medicated milk, and various oils. You can use Ksheerabala 101 Aavarthi oil. 

Indicated for:

Vata disorders 

Vata-type headache or migraine 

Dryness of voice 

Dry nose or sinuses 

Nervousness, anxiety, fear, negativity 

Dizziness or emptiness 



Stiffness of the neck 

Cervical spondylosis 



Kapha disorders

3) Shamana (sedative) Nasya: medicated decoctions, teas, the fresh juice of herbs, or medicated oils specific to the dosha are used. Substances used include Brahmi ghee (for pitta), Vacha oil (for Kapha or Vata), and tikta ghee (for vata or pitta).


Pitta disorders 

Blue patches on the skin: intradermal hemorrhage 




4) Navana Nasya: decoctions, fresh juices, and oils are mixed and administered according to the aggravated dosha, used for pitta-Vata or pitta-Kapha disorders. Among the substances used include Brahmi juice (for pitta) and Vacha juice (for Kapha or Vata). Navana Nasya is indicated in cases of aggravated dosha.

5) Marshya: A little ghee or oil is inserted into the nostrils with a finger. This practice, along with gentle massage, helps to relieve stress and opens the deep tissues. It can be done regularly or occasionally as desired.

Indicate in cases of stress and dryness

Marshya is done daily.

  1. Place a drop of Nasya oil on the little finger and gently insert it into the nostril.
  2. Gently massage the inner walls of the nasal passage.
  3. Alternate left and right nostrils until each nostril has received a total of three applications of oil.

What nasya oils should I have at home?

We suggest having three types of nasya oil at home:

1.- Ksheerabala 101 Aavarthi oil. This oil is nourishing with a bit of fire to remove the winter mucus in Vata doshas. Dr. Shamna once told me that in Ayurveda, this formula is considered a miracle medicine.

2.- Anu thaila: this oil is more abrasive. It is suggested to use once a week depending on the condition or in panchakarma.

3.- Bhanyan Nasya oil: This is a very mild oil, good for daily use or as a carrier for other formulas.

Get in touch if you want to purchase your nasya oil package.


How to use Nasya oil

Medications administered via the nasal passages affect the mind, prana Vata, tarpaka Kapha, sadhaka pitta, and majja dhatu. Administer Nasya on an empty stomach an hour before or after a shower or exercise. Lie down with the head tilted back and put five drops of Nasya in each nostril. Sniff deeply, then remain to lie for a minute or so, to allow the nasya to penetrate.

Lying down

After five to 10 minutes, steam inhalations the nasal passage are moist and ready for a deep nasya. 

  1. Lie down on your back and get comfortable; place a small pillow beneath your head if you find you need the support. If you are on a bed, you can hang your head off the edge.
  2. Tilt your head back slightly, with your nostrils opening toward the sky.
  3. Place 3–5 drops of Nasya oil in each nostril with a circular motion, so all the membranes are fully coated.
  4. Sniff hard, then rest for a few minutes to allow the Nasya oil to penetrate.
  5. If you are applying purification force spitting to remove mucus from the trough and nose.

Doses: For daily regimen 2 drops enough anytime, but for a diseased condition can start from 1 ml each nostril to 3 ml… There are doctors who go even upto 5ml each.

‘Can I use the Nasya oil immediately following the neti pot wash?’

This is not recommended. If these therapies are new to you, it is wise to wait at least a day after washing with the neti pot, ensuring full drainage of the saline, before administering nasya.

 If you have more questions, want to purchase nasya oils or would like a consultation personalized to your health needs, please get in touch.